
Stud Games
Draw Games
Community Games
Other Crap 

Other Crap

These are all of the other games that weren't easy to classify. Most of these games are not based on poker hands at all.

INITIAL DEAL: One card up and one card down to each player.
PLAY: This is a split the pot game. The player with cards that total closest to 7 and the player with the hand that totals closest to 27 split the pot. Aces can be their usual 1 or 11; other cards are worth their expressed value. However, face cards are worth only ½ point and work better in a low hand. Each player gets one card face down and one card face up. There's a round of betting. Then the dealer asks players if they want another card. A player can pass or take another card-a "hit", as in blackjack. If a player wants another card, it's dealt face up. After each player gets a chance to pass or take a card, there's a round of betting. There is another round of hitting and passing and then another. A player can pass one round, then decide to take a card in the next round. Each player can pass three times. After the third pass, his hand is frozen and he cannot no longer take a card. The betting ends when everyone is frozen or the dealer runs out of cards.
WINNER: Closest hands to 7 and 27 split the pot. In the case of a tie for either number, the winner is the hand that is under 7 and under 27 (i.e 26 beats 28 and 6 beats 8). If you have a pair of Aces and a five, you can have both 7 and 27 and therefore win the entire pot.

Black Russian
INITIAL DEAL: Three cards down to each player. Turn the remaining top card from the deck over. This card becomes trump for the round.
PLAY: Play is similar to Euchre (see Hoyle) but without the bowers. However, before play begins, players have the option of staying or sitting out by making declarations (each player secretly either places a coin in their hand if they are in. No coin indicates that the player is sitting out the round. If only one player remains he gets the pot and the round is over. Deal switches to the next player. If players are in, the game is played like Euchre (again, no bowers). The first player leads and all players must follow suit if they can. Otherwise, you can throw trump or an off-suit card. Play continues until all tricks are completed. If a player takes one trick, he is even and does not have to pay anything. If he takes two or more tricks, he wins the pot. Players that stayed in must match the pot if they did not take any tricks. This game can end two different ways (or three if you choose the variation below).
1. Two players remain after declaration. One player wins two tricks and the other player wins one. Therefore, there are no losers. The player with two tricks wins the pot and the player with one trick does NOT have to match.
2. Only one player remains in after the declaration. He wins the pot and the game is over.
· A third way in which the game can be over-one player wins all three tricks. Normally, if this happens, all remaining players that stayed in would match the pot. However, you can instead opt to call the game should this happen. Dealer must declare this BEFORE the game starts, OR he can request it and have it agreed upon by the other players.
· "Dirty Black Russian" - Players must stay in if the trump card turned up is black. In addition, this can be done with a suit (e.g. "Dirty Spades", etc.) or a card rank ("Dirty Sevens", etc.).
· Everyone Plays First Round - there are no declarations for the first round of play and everyone MUST stay in. We USUALLY play it this way at the Monday Night Poker Club.

Boo Ray
INITIAL DEAL: 5 cards down to each player.
PLAY: Top card of the deck is flipped over, and the suit of the flipped card becomes the trump suit for the hand. Players secretly put a chip in their fist if they want to stay in, or form an empty fist if they don't. Players open their fists simultaneously. Players who stayed in may then exchange cards (as many as can be allowed by the remaining deck size and number of players who stayed in). Boo Ray is a trick-taking game. The lead player (which rotates each hand, starting with the player to the dealer's left) leads by playing a card from his hand. All other players do the same in turn. If they can, players must play a card of the same suit as the card which began the trick. If a player has no cards of that suit, he may play any card. The highest card of the led suit takes the trick, unless a card of the trump suit is played in which case the highest trump card wins the trick. The winner of the trick begins the next trick. Whoever takes the most tricks wins the pot. Anyone who stayed in but took no tricks must pay the Boo Ray amount ($1.00, $2.00, or whatever you agree on at the start of the game) to the pot. If tricks are split 2-2-1, nobody takes the pot. The game continues, with new hands dealt to all players, until the pot is gone.
WINNER: Taker of the most tricks

PLAYERS: 4-10 (the more the merrier) 
INITIAL DEAL: two cards down to each player 
PLAY: Everyone secretly puts a chip in their hand if they are staying in, otherwise they leave their hand empty. Players then hold their closed hands in front of them and open them simultaneously. Players who held chips (and thus stayed in) reveal their hands. The winner takes the pot and the losers have to match what the pot was. New hands are then dealt. The game continues until only one player stays in, and thus the pot is emptied. 
WINNER: Highest hand, without straights and flushes 
· Beat the deck: When only one player stays in, the top two cards from the deck are turned over. If these cards beat the player's hand, the player loses and must match the pot.
· Limit match: A limit is set on the amount players must pay if they lose. If the pot is more than this amount, players just pay the limit.
· Auction Guts: An additional "mystery hand" is dealt face-down. Before the showdown, players bid for the right to switch hands with the mystery hand. This continues until nobody wants to switch with the new mystery hand. 
· Bloody Sevens: Deal 2 cards down to each player, players still in after declarations get 3 cards up. 7s down are wild (i.e. your original hand of two cards down). Anyone with a 7 up immediately folds. High hand takes the pot, losers match (someone killed by a 7 does not match). 

In Between (a.k.a. "Between the Sheets" and "Acey Duecy")
PLAYERS: 3-up 
INITIAL DEAL: two cards up to the first player. Be careful to stop after the first card if it is an ace.
PLAY: Each player gets two cards dealt face up and can then wager against the pot as to whether the next card will be in between the other two. Maximum bet is the amount of the pot. However, dealer should set a maximum lose amount (e.g. one dollar). The first ace dealt can be claimed as low or high, according to the wishes of the player. This must be done BEFORE the second card is dealt. An ace dealt as the second card is always high. If the dealer accidentally deals another card to the player before he can call it high or low, the player wins the pot and deal must match it so that play can go on. Tom loves this game and wants to play it over and over again.
WINNER: The guy that rakes in the most money, I guess.

Indian Poker
PLAYERS: 3-up 
INITI0AL DEAL: one card down to each player 
PLAY: Do not look at your card! Each player carefully places the card face out on their forehead, taking care not to see the suit and/or rank of their card. Each player can freely view the cards of their opposing players. A betting round ensues as does a showdown. 
WINNER: High hand 
· 5 Card Indian Poker: Deal 4 cards down to each player and the last card is placed on the forehead as in regular Indian Poker. Best poker hand wins.

Liar's Poker (a.k.a. Lawyer's Poker)
INITIAL DEAL: Each player puts two quarters in front of him. Everyone is then dealt two down cards.
PLAY: The first person calls a poker hand. After that, a person must call a hand which beats the previous hand or call the hand. If a person calls the hand, then everyone's cards are pooled to determine if the hand exists. If it does, the person who called the game loses one of his quarters and starts the next game, with only one card dealt to him (if he only had one quarter, he is out and play begins with the next person in order). Deck is reshuffled after each round. Game ends when only one person has a quarter left.

INITIAL DEAL: five cards to each player and seven down cards on the table PLAY: A card on the table is turned over. Anyone holding cards of the same rank must discard them. There follows a round of betting (each round uses a rotating lead, beginning with the player to the dealer's left). After each round another card is flipped over and like cards discarded. If a card of the same rank as a previously flipped card is turned over, a new card is flipped from the top of the deck until an undiscarded rank is revealed. Thus, seven different ranks will always be discarded. If anyone loses all his cards, they instantly win the pot. Otherwise, after all cards have been turned up and the last betting round concludes, players declare high, low or both and have a showdown. Aces are worth 1 or 15, face cards are worth 10, and all other cards are worth their face value. WINNER: Highest and lowest totals split the pot.

Put and Take
INITIAL DEAL: No ANTE!!!!! Each player, except the dealer, receives four cards dealt face up. Dealer then turns over the top card from the deck. 
PLAY: All players must put in 5 cents if he has the card in his hand. The next card is turned over and players must put in ten cents, then twenty five cents, then fifty cents. This ends the "put" round. The "take" round now begins and starts with players taking fifty cents on the first card turned over by the dealer, then twenty five cents, ten cents and finally five cents. If there is any money remaining in the pot, the dealer keeps it. If the pot runs out before the "take" round is over, the dealer must pay out of his on money or be beaten to a bloody pulp. NOTE: If you have more than one of the same card in your hand, you must put and/or take for each one.
WINNER: Anyone that makes money.

Red and Black
INITIAL DEAL: Five cards face down to each player (like 5 card draw).
PLAY: Betting sequences and play are like Five Card Draw but hands are not based on poker values. Instead, players receive positive points for red cards and negative points for black cards. Total up your amount. The highest and lowest values split the pot. Not a lot of strategy here, but something fun to mix it up a bit.
WINNER: high and low values split the pot.

Screw Your Neighbor
INITIAL DEAL: Each player antes by placing three stacks of a dealer-declared amount in front of him. One card to each player. Kings are HIGH and turned up immediately. Aces are low (did you get that, Fluharty?). The object of the game is to avoid having the lowest card. Player to the left of the dealer has the option of keeping his card or trading it with the next player to his left (unless he has turned up a King). You cannot take a King from another player. The last player has the option of trading with the deck. If you are stuck with the lowest card at the end of the round, you lose and must put one of your stacks in the pot. The last player remaining wins the pot and can punch Tom in the face as hard as he wants to. Wahoo!
WINNER: The last man standing.

Face cards have an absolute value of 10, Aces of 15, and all other cards of their own rank. Reds are positive and blacks are negative. Play as with 7-Card Stud, with the first to bet each round being the player with the highest positive total. Pot is split by the player with the highest total absolute value and the player with the lowest total absolute value (ties split the half-pot) (the same 7-card hand can be used to construct two different 5-card hands to win both high and low).